Saturday, June 22, 2013

Rolling in the Dough!

I guess I spoke too soon!

I've been worrying about my fundraising for several weeks (read: the last 2 months) because I thought I would never be able to reach my goal. While my friends and family have been beyond generous, it's a lot harder than I thought to raise $4500.

But, just when I thought things were looking down, I received a matching donation pledge for $1100. Now, with less than 50% of my $4500 to raise, I have been rolling in the checks from local businesses that would like to support my cause. In the last week alone, I have received checks from:

Kristin's Breakfast
Liberty Bay Credit Union
Alarm Central
Kendall's Kloset
Action Collection Agency

All of their donations will be matched by The Collins Farm in Davis, CA.

So, it looks like I might meet my fundraising goal after all. And I'm learning so much about fundraising, making a pitch, and really selling my cause. Thank you for everything, Team Challenge - you keep surprising me!

Running strong,

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