Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today marks the day that I complete my official fundraising for Team Challenge! I reached my 75% mark today ($3,390.30), thanks to some generous birthday donations from my sister, Andrea Tarbet,
and a former co-worker, Ashley Medlar. I then received my matching gift from Rich Collins to bring me to a total of $4546.30.

Thanks to Rich Collins and others,
I reached my fundraising goal today!
I am so excited that this has happened, especially ahead of schedule. I seriously never thought I'd be able to make it, but now I've surpassed my goal!

I'm not going to stop here, either. I'm going to continue fundraising until the cut-off date, which I think is August 1st. The more money I raise, the closer we get to a cure!

Please consider donating today, or spreading the word to your friends and family to help us fund a cure for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis!

Happy birthday to me!

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