Thursday, June 13, 2013

Local Businesses Rock!

I received a check today from my local credit union where I have been banking for over 4 years. I have to say that I was completely surprised and utterly thankful when I opened the envelope to find a check for $250!!

When I brought them my fundraising letter I thought it was a long shot because they have their "select" charities that they support and because I haven't really been banking with them for very long. But I brought the letter anyway, in-person, just before the holiday weekend.

Sure enough, their community service rep saw the letter and sent me a sponsorship check. Thank you
so much to Liberty Bay Credit Union of Braintree for your sponsorship, which will also be doubled by my match from the Collins Farm!

Just another reason why local businesses rock, and why you shouldn't hesitate to ask anyone and everyone, especially if you are asking in-person :)

Run on,

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