Saturday, July 20, 2013

California Day 2: (1 Day to Race Day!)

Davis Farmers' Market
Today was also quite a day!

This morning, we drove to the Davis farmers' market with Duane, Julie, and Alex. We bought some great fresh fruit for the weekend, some raw apple cider, pumpkin bolani, and chickpea naan wraps with pakoras for lunch.

This market is HUGE. So many local farmers and other vendors, so many people attending, and so many bicycles! I kind of feel like I belong here. Davis, you're turning into my second home ;)

Then, pakoras still hot, we took a walk over to the UC Davis campus to check out Duane's office. The school is beautiful! Unlike on the east coast, everything is meant to be outdoors, including the hallways and staircases. We checked out the sociology department, ran into one of Duane's friends that we met the night before, and then walked to the beautiful campus quad where 10-year-old Alex reenacted the moment when campus police pepper-sprayed the students involved in a peaceful occupy protest.

Alex at the UC Davis campus quad.

Me, Alex, Duane, and Nick at UC Davis
We snapped a couple of pictures in front of the UC Davis sign before heading back to pack up for our drive to Santa Rosa to meet up with our team for the pasta dinner.

The drive from Davis to Santa Rosa was beautiful as well! Perhaps even more so than yesterday's drive because it wasn't all on the main highway.

We drove around a wildlife sanctuary, and had our first glimpse at wine country. The drive took much longer than expected because of traffic, but it cooled off a bit and we were able to enjoy the ride with the windows down.

San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Scenery on our way to Santa Rosa

You can't see views like this in Boston!

We arrived here at the hotel around 4:45pm, and have to meet up with the team at 5:15 to drive over to the Team Challenge Pasta Party. I heading out now, but forgot one thing about this morning. I had an opportunity to go out for a brief, warm up run this morning around Davis. It's such a runner-friendly city! And bicycle friendly too :) There are paths parallel to each road for runners and bikers. The views are incredible, and it's so clean. Alex wanted to join me for a bit, so after my run he met me at the house, joined me for 1/4 of a loop around the park, then decided it was time to head home. It was a short run, but made me fall in love with Davis. It was also my first run outside of Massachusetts! See a couple pictures from the run below.

Heading to our team pasta party, but will share more after the race!

Running strong,

The view from the end of Duane's street - overlooking a farm
A circuit station set up along the run/bike path that follows
the streets in Davis - what a cute idea to keep the public healthy!
Prairie dog hole! Found along my run route.

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