Friday, July 19, 2013

California Bound!

With my leg feeling much better this week, we set off for California at 5am today. With all the excitement, I'm not sure I slept more than 20 minutes last night, but I'm hoping that the 6 hour plane ride will help me catch up on some z's.

I had a great sendoff at work yesterday that got me even more pumped for the weekend. When I came into the office (late, I should add, because of traffic) everyone was wearing these awesome "Team Ashley" signs in support of me and my run.

What a surprise! Everyone wore them around all day, even with volunteers in the house and business meetings happening :) I seriously work with the best team ever! Everyone is really supportive and encouraging of me. Oh, and I also received this present (the best pre-race present ever!) from Angela:

Heading to the airport now, but I hope to post some photos from the plane. I've never flown so far from home before, so the sights will all be new.

Here's to new heights, new distances, new friends, and new adventures!

Run strong,

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